The OC Mobile Notary
Professional & reliable

Notarizations where it’s comfortable & convenient for YOU:
Business/Attorney Offices, Hospitals/Assisted Living, Banks and Residences.


Real Estate Documents

Power of Attorneys

Medical Documents

Insurance Documents

Travel Authorizations

Adoption paperwork

Trust Certifications

And many others

Simple Pricing

Notarizations where it’s comfortable & convenient for YOU


$15 Per Notarized Signature
$25 Travel and Convenience Fee

  • Discounts on future services for referrals
  • Cash, Checks, Credit Cards, PayPal, Venmo & Zelle accepted
Years of experience
Notarized Signatures
0 +
Miles Travel
Happy Customers
0 +

Get Started

Notarizations where it’s comfortable & convenient for YOU:
Business/Attorney Offices, Hospitals/Assisted Living, Banks and Residences.

Get in touch

    Call or text for an appointment


    (949) 981-4369


    Cancellation policy

    Travel & Convenience Fee is Still Due Upon Arrival Even If Signing Does Not Occur For Any Reason. Once a phone order has been placed, your payment is non-refundable if you choose to cancel for any reason once notary is in route to destination. State law mandates that only the Notarization fee is refundable if the signing does not occur for any reason.

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